We believe showing Valais Blacknose Sheep is an excellent way to promote the breed, demonstrate the quality of our flock, have some fun meeting new people and (hopefully) earn a bit of beer money and win a few prizes!
We have shown the Valais now for the past two years and have won many prizes at both County Level and Local Shows. It has definitely helped that Chris has shown Jacob sheep for the past 20 years and won many Breed Championships and currently holds the South West Area Best Flock Award. Showing Valais is a bit different though and we are learning a lot along the way.

Breed Champion Halsbury Igloo

We hope to continue our success this year and will be showing again at Devon County, Royal Cornwall and Dorset County. Please do come and say hello – it’s a great day out.
Further information about showing is available on the Breed Society Website www.valaisblacknosesociety.co.uk