Sheep available 2025
Ewes and lambs will be available from the Spring, please email for more info and to arrange a visit.
Email: [email protected]

We have sold Valais Blacknose Sheep as show stock, breeding stock and pets to numerous buyers throughout the UK and can deliver upon request. We were selected by one of North Devon’s premier visitor attractions – the Big Sheep to supply two sheep to them and we understand ‘Sunny’ and ‘Snowy’ have a wonderful time meeting all the visitors there – especially when they come bearing sheep treat bags!
We believe our pricing structure is very competitive. For reference our prices start as follows:
Ram Lamb – £800 +
Ewe Lamb – £1,000 + depending on markings and conformation
Wethers (castrated male/ pet lamb) – from £250 – £350
Please note we will only sell to individuals or farms with a CPH Holding number as required by law. Details of how to obtain a CPH Holding number can be found here:
Valais Blacknose sheep by nature are a very social animal – good with other livestock and humans. They should not be kept alone and therefore we will only sell sheep as singles if the buyer already has other Valais or sheep on their farm.
Semen For Sale
We currently have semen available from the following rams… Please contact us to make an order.
“Snowdonia Inevitable“
Inevitable was purchased at Blacknose Beauties Sale in 2021 for 4500gns. His sire Westmorland Ego and grandsire Westmorland Dancer, both have been graded maximum points and his dam Shoemakers Esmerelda graded one point off maximum. Inevitable has a tremendous fleece throughout and has particularly good leg wool.

“Halsbury Etype“
Etype was one of the first Valais lambs born here at Halsbury in 2017. He is sired by Highland Montana, producer of many top quality rams including Highland Eric, supreme champion Blacknose Beauties 2019. Etype has won numerous prizes at agricultural shows including Reserve Breed Champion at Dorset County Show 2017 and 2018. He is one of the largest Valais Blacknose rams around with tremendous length, great bone and bold markings. He has been the foundation of the flocks success.